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非佛罗里达州居民的美国公民.S. Armed Forces on active duty stationed outside of Florida are eligible to receive a waiver of all non-resident tuition and fees. 申请豁免, log into your MyUWF account and search for “active duty out of state waiver” (you must be logged into your MyUWF account to access the form).  在线动态表单很简单,需要您上传当前订单和最近LES的副本.  豁免批核一般需时一至两个工作天. 这是一个一次性的过程,只要您是连续注册的. 

NOTE: The University only requires the top line of your LES and Block 44 (state abbreviation where your state taxes are paid).  请在上传之前编辑所有其他信息.

非佛罗里达州居民的美国公民.S. Armed Forces on active duty stationed in Florida and their spouse and dependents do not require out-of-state waivers because they are eligible to receive Temporary Residency for tuition status. 获得临时居留权, 在你的UWF入学申请上声明你是军人, 并上传您当前订单的副本以支持该请求. 

公共卫生服务被派往武装部队执勤的官员(陆军), Navy, 海军陆战队, 空军, 海岸警卫队)被认为有权享有同样的权利, 好处, 作为现役军官的特权和豁免, 并且有资格获得临时居留权或者州外现役豁免.  PHS officers not assigned to units of the Armed Forces may be eligible for the 90% (graduate) online tuition waiver. 


完成ON CAMPUS现役的州外豁免, 去你的MyUWF账户, 搜索“州外豁免”并选择现役州外豁免.

众议院第1157号法案修改了现有的 佛罗里达法令1009.26 申请学费减免的资格. 


     1.  如果现役军人目前居住在佛罗里达州, 但在军事行动发生时,他是另一个州的居民, 他们有资格获得紫心勋章豁免.

    2.  如果服役人员在军事行动时是佛罗里达州的居民, 无论他们目前居住在哪里,他们都有资格获得豁免.

  • The 紫心勋章 Waiver provides a tuition and fee waiver for Florida military veterans who received a purple heart OR combat decoration that is “superior in precedence.”
  • 以下是属于“优先级优先”标准的奖牌列表:
    • 紫心勋章
    • 铜星(必须是“V”形标志或装置)
    • 杰出飞行十字勋章
    • 荣誉军团勋章(必须是“V”字型或勋章)
    • 银星
    • 空军十字勋章 
    • 海军十字勋章
    • 杰出服役十字勋章 
    • 荣誉勋章
  • The 紫心勋章 Waiver covers the cost of tuition and fees toward a degree or certificate program up to 110% of the required hours for the program of study.  任何副学士学位的合格学生, 的学士学位, 或佛罗里达大学系统机构的职业和技术证书课程都符合条件.
  • 豁免只包括学杂费. 这意味着你将需要支付其他费用,如教科书、住房和食物.

 要申请,请访问您的 my.mexicraneoslille.com 搜索"军事荣誉弃权书."



The C.W. “比尔”年轻退伍军人学费减免计划是一个需要州立大学的计划, 佛罗里达学院系统机构, 或职业中心免除美国退伍军人的州外费用.S. 武装部队,美国.S. Reserve Forces or the National Guard or any other student who is entitled and uses educational assistance provided by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, 并且在该机构注册期间实际居住在佛罗里达州.

根据第1002条.34, F.S., UWF将免除州外费用:

(a)美国武装部队和预备役部队(空军)光荣退伍军人, Army, 海岸警卫队, 海军陆战队, and Navy) and the National Guard (Army and Air) or any other student who is entitled to and uses educational assistance provided by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs who physically resides in Florida while enrolled as a degree or certificate seeking student. 学费 and fees charged to a student who qualifies for the out-of-state fee waiver under this subsection may not exceed the tuition and fees charged a resident student enrolled in the same program.

学生 eligible for the waiver must submit the “Veteran O/S Waiver Form” or the “Veteran Dependent O/S Waiver Form” online via MYUWF (my.mexicraneoslille.com). 他们必须上传国防部表格214(仅限退伍军人)的副本。, 资格证明书(只适用于受养人), 退伍军人管理局注册证明表格(仅限家属)和他们在佛罗里达州居住的证明文件. Veteran students will remain eligible under the waiver as long as they are actively enrolled and Dependents will remain eligible under the waiver as long as they are active students using 好处. 如果您的居住地被列为非佛罗里达州居民,请通知MVRC. (mvrc@mexicraneoslille.com or 850.474.2550).


根据公法(Pub .. L.) 115-251, 第301节, public institutions of higher learning (IHL) must comply with the requirement that Veterans who reside in the state and are using educational assistance under title 38 United States Code (U.S.C.)第三十一章, 无论退伍军人是否符合该州的居住要求,都将收取居民费率. 这包括第31章退伍军人先前在38美国.S.C. 3679(c). 预期是,一旦退伍军人可以建立居留权,他或她就会这样做. 如果国际人道法有满足州内学费和收费标准的其他要求, 第31章退伍军人必须遵守这些要求,才有资格享受州内学费和杂费. 如果您的居住地被列为非佛罗里达州居民,请通知MVRC. (mvrc@mexicraneoslille.com or 850.474.2550

Non-Florida resident enrolled in a UWF 空军 or Army ROTC program are eligible to receive a waiver of all non-resident tuition and fees. 

申请豁免, log into your MyUWF account and search for “ROTC out of state waiver” (you must be logged into your MyUWF account to access the form).  The online dynamic form is brief and requires that you upload a copy of proof of current residence in Florida and a verification of enrollment from the ROTC program.  豁免批核一般需时一至两个工作天.  这是一个一个学期的过程, 你必须继续参加后备军官训练队项目,并参加军事科学课程,才有资格获得豁免.


在线免费座位计划是为了“鼓励退伍军人”而创建的, 美国武装部队的现役成员, 佛罗里达国民警卫队现役钻井队员, 非传统学生在州立大学注册在线学士学位课程.”

Those that qualify will receive a waiver of tuition and applicable fees for one course during their first semester and a 25% discount against tuition/matriculation and tuition differential for all other courses up to 110 percent of the number of required hours within the online degree program. 费用不打折扣.


  • 是佛罗里达州的居民,以支付学费;
  • 以前没有获得过学士学位;
  • Be enrolled in an online 的学士学位 program as defined in the “在线学士学位课程” section below;
  • 符合下列其中一项资格要求:
    • 退伍军人的定义是什么. 1.01(14), F.S.;
    • 是美国武装部队的现役成员;
    • Is an active drilling member of the Florida National Guard whose eligibility is validated by the service member’s unit Commander and/or the Commander’s designated representative serving as the Unit Point of Contact;
    • 是非传统的学生吗, 在本课程中,获得佛罗里达州标准高中文凭的学生被定义为合格学生, 相当于佛罗里达标准高中文凭的高中文凭, 或者是等价的, 或者完成家庭教育项目, 并且已经离开高中或家庭教育项目至少5年. 非传统学生必须在过去5年内没有在高等教育机构注册.

学生 who wish to be considered for the Online Free Seat program must submit a FSW Program application through MyUWF and be approved by their institution to participate in the program.

保持在线免费座位计划的资格, 学生必须在每学年至少注册兼职课程.

佛罗里达国民警卫队的现役钻井队员必须提交现役钻井状态验证表. The form must be signed by the member’s Unit Commander and/or designated representative serving as the Unit Point of Contact (electronic signatures may be used, 如果需要). Such verification must be conducted each term in which the student is participating in the Online Free Seat Program.

1. 为本程序的目的, online baccalaureate programs are those programs/majors included in the Board of Governors Online Program Inventory (http://prod.flbog.net: 4445 /请/顶点/ f?p=136:13).

2. 免费名额计划适用于E . c .资助的在线学士学位课程/专业&G and those that are self-supporting; both types of programs are identified as online programs and are included in the Board of Governors Online Program Inventory.

3. All courses that are waived or discounted must be a part of the online 的学士学位 program in which the student is enrolled.

2021年秋季生效, 学生们选择了科学领域的十个战略重点项目之一, 技术, 工程, 或者数学可能有资格获得该计划中同等课程的学费和费用减免.


  • 学生必须是佛罗里达州居民才能支付学费.
  • 学生 must have earned at least 60 semester credit hours towards a 的学士学位 within two academic years after initial enrollment at a Florida public postsecondary institution.
  • 学生必须被录取并进入十个战略重点项目之一.
11.0101 计算机及信息系统
11.0103 信息技术
14.0801 土木工程
14.0901 计算机工程
14.1001 电气与电子工程
27.0101 数学
40.0801 物理
52.1201 管理资讯系统
52.0301 会计(2022年秋季生效)
52.0801 财务(2022年秋季生效)


  • 仅适用于定义为3000/4000级课程的高年级课程.
  • 仅适用于学位课程所需学分数的110%.
  • 只能申请第一学士学位吗.
  • 不能追溯适用.
  • 不符合市场价格或自筹资金支持计划的资格.
  • 不能与其他免责条款一起使用.

Eligible students will receive a 50 percent waiver against tuition and applicable fees for courses required within the degree program.

学生不需要申请此豁免. 符合条件的人将自动申请豁免,并将通过电子邮件通知.

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